Observations/Thoughts As I Look Out at Life

There are days when I am totally amazed at God's Creation. There are days when I am encouraged by my fellow man. And there are days when I am confused, anxious and terribly heartsick at how low some of us can think or act.

This Blog is my way of expressing those feelings while, hopefully, honestly evaluating myself.

Welcome to my "view."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What if we could change color?

   Watched a gecko scamper across the 4' high retaining wall that I built behind the house to keep my sandy soil from eroding away with each heavy rain (and to give my wife a sense of security just in case that 4' alligator might re-appear!).
         Starts out green
   We have these creatures all over the place.  Several of them like to stay on our front porch for protection and warmth in addition to the multitude that are out back.  They're funny characters......I especially like when they seem fascinated with looking in the windows on each side of the door.  One actually seems enamoured with my wife....he actually reacts when he sees her.  She does too, but hers is more of a startled fright, followed by, "I hate that thing!"        

   Anyway, I am fascinated at how quickly they can change their skin color to blend in with what they are on.  It provides them with protection/camouflage.  Guess it has something to do with their eyes??
He's starting to change to mimic
the color of the railroad tie.
   This little guy started out his typical green, but within less than a minute, he changed to a grey, then brownish-tan as he climbed the tree.

   Wouldn't it be nice if we could do this?

   Too bad we can't adjust so quickly to things that life presents us with.  Too bad it takes us so long to change the way we think, act or respond. 


That expression "to show one's true color" doesn't have a very flattering  
connotation.  I guess our color would be "red" when we get angry.   When we're afraid of something, we might be called, "yellow."   Envious...."green."

Frightened by a squirrel, he leaps
  to the tree and is now brown.
   When we're depressed, we've got "the Blues."

   We're either Black, White, Brown, Yellow or Red skinned people.  

   Wonder what it would be like if we could turn into the color of the people we are with or in close proximity to?

   We then could see their point of view, feel secure, confident, unified and compassionate because then we would all be the same.

How about sharing your secret, Mr. Gecko?

Until next time.......