Observations/Thoughts As I Look Out at Life

There are days when I am totally amazed at God's Creation. There are days when I am encouraged by my fellow man. And there are days when I am confused, anxious and terribly heartsick at how low some of us can think or act.

This Blog is my way of expressing those feelings while, hopefully, honestly evaluating myself.

Welcome to my "view."

Friday, October 22, 2010

Are you thirsty?

   My birdbath seems to be a favorite watering hole for all kinds of creatures......birds, squirrels, geckos, butterflies and the neighbor's cat.  All are welcome (well maybe not the cat!).   
   This fellow refreshed himself after a harrowing journey of tree jumping, nut burying and gecko scarring.
    I felt bad that I hadn't gotten to clean the birdbath out now that the leaves have begun to fall, but it doesn't seem to bother any of the partakers!
    As I snapped this picture, my Tuesday evening joint Bible study (4 white churches, 4 black) came to mind.   We are looking at the Church here on earth and how we can make it more as it is in Heaven. 
    We read from John 4:13-14 and this came to mind: “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.  But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again."
    This squirrel, like the birds of the air, doesn't concern itself with the kind of water it drinks, but we should.   

    Are you thirsty?

    Until next time....

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